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184 total results found
Policies & Procedures
The IBC is committed to making the application and review process as easy as possible for you. In the sections within this chapter, you will find definitions, explanations, policies and procedures relating to biosafety guidelines at UNMC. Beyond the sections ...
International Research
Introduction All research conducted at another site, including in another country, must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and University of Nebraska policies. We have developed a questionnaire to help you prepare for research performed in coll...
Technology Transfer
Technology transfer Technology transfer is the transfer of knowledge and discoveries to the public. It can occur through publications, educated students entering the workforce, exchanges at conferences, and relationships with industry, among other things. For...
Human Subjects Protection Training
Required Human Subjects Protection Training All research personnel planning to conduct human subject research are required to complete Web-based training on human subject protection and good clinical practice (GCP) on the Collaborative Institutional Training ...
Institutional Review Board
Introduction The UNMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all human subject protocols conducted by anyone on the premises of UNMC, Nebraska Medicine, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, Nebraska Medicine - Bellevue, and the University of Nebraska a...
Developing a Budget
Considerations for Preparing a Budget For studies that require a grant or contract, the Investigator or representative is responsible for generating and/or negotiating the budget with the sponsor. Initiation costs and Personnel time for start-up Determinati...
Resources for Clinical Research
Introduction UNMC has developed many resources for clinical and translational research through the Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) as well as partnerships with other collaborators. Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) ...
Clinical Trial Monitoring
Data Safety Monitoring All human subject research should have an appropriate data safety monitoring plan to ensure subject safety regarding the risks, complexity, and nature of the research. Appropriate monitoring may include a data safety monitoring plan, as...
Managing Clinical Trials Registry Required Registration Registration is required for trials that meet the FDAAA 801 definition of an "applicable clinical trial" that include the following: Trials of drugs and biologics. Controlled clinical investigations, other...
Cancer Related Trials
Introduction The oncology Clinical Trials Office (CTO) provides central management and oversight functions for all cancer-related trials that involve human subjects conducted on campus. The CTO is staffed by project coordinators, research nurse coordinators, ...
Drug/Device Trials
Introduction All clinical trials that use an approved drug or investigational product supplied to the institution from a sponsor must have the protocol reviewed by the Medical Staff Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (P&T Committee). P&T Committee F...
Off-campus Trials
Special Considerations As the sponsor of a multi-center trial, additional considerations may be necessary, including the following: Choosing sites for the trial and ensuring that the sites: have the needed patient population conduct a feasibility assessm...
Training and Oversight
Training Requirements Federal regulations require institutions to provide training in the humane practice of animal care and use, and in instruction in research and testing methods that minimize the number of animals required to obtain valid results and to mi...
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Key Contacts The Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) answers all questions and assists with the IACUC submission process. Web: Phone: 402-559-6046 Email: Research Requiring IACUC Approval Prior to project initiation, every...
Procurement and Management
Pricing Information Current pricing for Comparative Medicine charges can be found on the Comparative Medicine Pricing page. Ordering Animals Comparative Medicine uses a Web-interfaced system, the Comparative Medicine Business Management System (CMMS), for a...
Available Facilities Comparative Medicine operates seven animal housing and/or support facilities. All facilities for housing animals are registered research facilities under the Animal Welfare Act and are inspected regularly by the United States Department ...
Core Facilities and Service Centers
Research Service Centers/Core Facilities To assist researchers in basic, translational and clinical research, UNMC provides extensive Core Facilities on campus. A directory of core facilities/service centers has been made available. In addition to institutio...
Research Support and Resources
Radiologic Images for Research Studies Can the institution upload radiology images electronically to send to a central lab? Yes. Who is responsible for uploading radiology images that I have to send to a central lab? Research coordinators and other study s...
Clinical Trial Contracts
Getting Started Who can help me with industry-sponsored clinical trials? Your department administrator and the UNeHealth Contracts Office Associate should be notified as soon as you identify a study in which you plan to participate. Web:
Industry Sponsored Research
Who can help me with industry-sponsored research? Your department administrator and the SPAdmin Contracts Associate should be notified as soon as you identify a study in which you plan to participate. Web: Phone: 402-559-...
1.1 Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
1.0 Purpose The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide a basic description of the Organization’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) through: 1) the Organization’s stated mission, 2) application of ethical principles to guide all human subjec...