About Us
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of everyone at UNMC who works with biohazardous agents. Some of our major responsibilities include:
- Reviewing and approving recombinant DNA research projects to ensure compliance with NIH guidelines
- Notifying principal investigators of the results of our reviews and approvals
- Drafting campus biosafety policies and procedures, including the creation of emergency plans in the case of accidental spills and personnel contamination
- Reporting any problems, violations, accidents or illnesses to the appropriate offices
For further details about the IBC's roles and responsibilities, refer to the NIH Guidelines Section IV-B-2-b.
What is Biosafety?
Biosafety is a set of principles and practices, either studied or applied, that are intended to address the safe handling and containment of infectious microorganisms and hazardous biological materials.
Safe use of biological and biohazardous materials involves:
- Appropriate facilities and equipment (containment)
- Adequate training and hazard awareness
- Following proper laboratory practices as determined by risk assessment
- Complying with Institutional, federal, state, and local regulations
UNMC Biosafety Program
The UNMC Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) oversees the Biosafety Program, which:
- Seeks to protect workers, students, the community, and the environment from potential exposures to biohazardous materials.
- Provides biosafety guidance for research, clinical, and teaching activities at UNMC.
- Provides guidance and resources for special topics: safe handling practices, waste disposal, decontamination, and more.
- Oversees the development and implementation of compliance trainings.
- Assists Principal Investigators (PIs) with IBC requirements.
- Containment facility design recommendations and review
- Laboratory inspections and in person lab or project specific trainings