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Form Type Download Instructions
Adverse Event Report Word
Laboratory Inspection Checklist BL2 PDF
Laboratory Inspection Checklist BL3 Word
Laboratory Inspection Checklist ABL2 Word
Laboratory Inspection Checklist ABL3 Word
CDC-Form 2 (Select Agent Transfer)

Visit the CDC Form 2 webpage for Guidance Documents and Forms (Fillable and Print Only)

CDC-Form 3 (Select Agent Loss, Theft, Release) Visit the CDC Form 3 webpage for Guidance Documents and Forms (Fillable and Print Only)
CDC-Form 4A (Select Agent Clinical Diagnosis) Visit the CDC Form 4 webpage for Guidance Documents and Forms (Fillable and Print Only)
CM Laboratory Inspection Checklist Word
Autoclave Core Facilities Biosafety Inspection Checklist Word
Biological Spill Procedures Word
Decision Tree for Biological Spill Clean Up Word
Laboratory Re-commissioning ABSL-3 & BSL-3 Checklist PDF
Biosafety Risk Assessment Summary Word