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Internal & External Funding

Upcoming internal funding announcements, as well as additional links to additional funding resources,announcements are availableshared throughby the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research through weekly editions of their "Research Matters" newsletter. If you are not receiving these, you can sign up here.

Additional funding resources, are available through the VCR website on the funding page.

Extramural Funding

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research sponsors a commercial funding tool, Elsevier's Funding Institutional™webpage for campus researchers. This application catalogs funding opportunities from more than 4,000 sponsors and incorporates them into a searchable database with personalized searches and alerts. The tool is accessible from any UNMC IP addressed workstation.

Additional information can be found on the VCR Funding Institutional page, or contact the Director of Core Operations. 402-559-7649.

Internal Programs

Some available internal funding programs are listed in this section. For the most up-to-date list of available internal funding opportunities, visit the VCR internal funding page.

The Clinical & Translational Research SupportDevelopment Fund

Nebraska Medicine (NEMed), in partnership with the UNMC College of Medicine, created the CTRClinical SupportResearch Development Fund for pilot projects or to supplement extramural grants. This fund can write off costs for NEMed-based testing and support (e.g., bed costs, medications, laboratory, and radiology) but not marketing or send-out tests.

Applications are peer-reviewed by the Clinical/Translational Research Review Committee for scientific merit, relevance, and feasibility.

Information, instructions, and application forms for the CT Research Support Fundfund can be found on the CCTR Pilot Grant Program website.

Center or Program-Specific Pilot Grants

Members of the Cancer Center are eligible to apply for Cancer Center pilot grants, and many NIH Center grants have pilot grants available specific to the focus of the Center. Any faculty member can apply to be a member of the Center(s). A list of other major programs and centers is available on the VCR website.

Funding for Innovations or “Proof of Concept”

Technologies registered with UNeMed with a New Invention Notice are eligible for “Proof of Concept” grants to develop that technology to increase commercial potential and value. The “Innovation Micro-Grant Program” is designed to further develop an early stage technology if the “proof of concept” work proves promising.

Additional information can be found on the UNeMed funding opportunities page, or by contacting their office. 402-559-2468

Bridge Funding

UNMC has a bridge funding program for faculty who have a track record of research funding and are now experiencing a lapse in funding. To obtain needed pilot data or retain critical personnel, requests for bridge funding are made to the Dean or Associate Dean of Research for each College or Institute, and if approved, will be reviewed for final funding with the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Other Sources

Many colleges, institutes, and departments have foundation-specific monies available. Check with your dean or chair for further information.