International Research
All research conducted at another site, including in another country, must meetcomply with all USapplicable federal and state laws and University of Nebraska regulatory guidelines and laws.policies. We have developed a questionnaire to help you prepare for research performed in collaboration with researchers located in another country or while doing research yourself in another country. Please complete the questionnaire and submit it to Sponsored Programs Administration as you plan the research.
Examples ofImportant considerations include:
Human subjects research must still be performed to the same standards as required at UNMC, including approval by the UNMC IRB committee in addition to the
researchcollaborating institution or local reviewprocess of the collaborating institutionboard -
Animal research must be performed in an approved facility and the project approved
throughby the UNMC IACUC as well as by the collaborating institution - Intellectual property or research that may result in intellectual property may require a separate New Invention Notice for the country in question
The Department of Transportation has developed specific rules for the
transporttransportation ofbiologicbiologicalormaterials, including infectious disease specimens -
The US Government has established controls on the export of strategic goods and technologies as described
Additional information for International Projects can be found at:
Getting Started
An international project questionnaire/checklistquestionnaire is available to prepare researchers for international projects and travel. It must be completed if you are preparing an international project or grant and ismay be requested for international travel.
The International Projects Questionnaire addresses these areas:
- General Project Information
- Human Subjects
- Animal Use
- Materials and Equipment
- Personnel
- Logistics
- Travel
- Conflict of Interest
- Intellectual Property
Completed questionnaires should be submitted to:
- SPAdmin with your
application;application,BusinessifandyouFinanceare applying forotherexternalcontracts;funding - The
Export Controls
Export controls are US government regulations that govern the export of strategic technologies, equipment, hardware, software, ormaterials, and data, as well as the provision of technical assistance to foreign persons inside or outside the United States. See UNMC’s policies related to export controls.
Export controls apply to, but are not limited to, the following activities:
- Research activities conducted in the United States involving equipment, materials, or data subject to export controls, including nuclear, biological, or chemical materials, radionuclides, human and animal pathogens, and novel compounds
- Research activities conducted outside the United States
- Research where the sponsor prohibits or restricts participation by foreign nationals
- Research where the sponsor prohibits or restricts publishing the results
- Shipping or
handhand-carrying equipment, materials, software, orelectronically transferring datadatat to a foreigncountry,country - Electronically
national,transferring data orentity Traveling to, training, collaborating, or providing payments or itemssoftware toforeignanationals/entitiesrecipient in asanctioned/foreign country, or to a foreign national or entity, regardless of location- Travel to an embargoed country for any purpose, including conducting research, attending a conference, or participating in clinical activities. Embargoed countries include:
- Cuba
Sharing,Iran- North
transmitting,Korea - Syria
shipping,ortransferringencryption software in source code or object code to anyone outside the US including travel outside the US with this software - Plans to discuss
orunpublishedaddress any of the following under a non-disclosureresearch orconfidentialityotheragreementintellectual property with an external sponsor, vendor, collaborator, or other thirdparty:party- under
Nuclearamaterials, facilitiesMaterial, chemicals, micro-organismsnon-disclosure ortoxinsother MaterialsconfidentialityprocessingTelecommunications and information securityLasers and sensorsNavigation and avionicsMarinePropulsion systems, space vehicles, or military (ITAR) itemsEquipment, assemblies, and componentsTest, inspection, or production equipmentSoftwareTechnology
Hand CarryingHand-carrying Items Abroad for Research
Exports of physical items, including by shipping, hand-carrying, or checked luggage, are subject to federal regulations and University of Nebraska policy. Prior to shipping or traveling to another country with research items, you must complete a Request for Export Controls Review Application form and provide specific information about the items to be exported, the intended recipient and destination, and the intended end-use. More information about physical exports is available on the safety information site
- An export license may be required when carrying research items, depending on item and destination
- Any exports totaling $2500 or more must be filed through the Automated Export System (AES)
The Export Control Office can assist with export license applications and other required beforefilings. departure for items valued over $2,500
Shipping Internationally
Exports of physical items, including by shipping, hand-carrying, or checked luggage, are subject to federal regulations and University of Nebraska policy. Prior to shipping or traveling to another country with research items, you must complete a Request for Export Controls Review Application form and provide specific information about the items to be exported, the intended recipient and destination, and the intended end-use. You can find more information about physical exports on the safety information site.
- An export license may be required depending on the item and destination
- If you are shipping infectious substances that can affect humans or animals (Category A), biological substances (Category B), or exempt human or animal specimens and dry ice you
canmustreceivecomplete a Training and Certification of International Shippers by the Environmental Health & Safety department. PriorAnytoexportsshippingtotalinginternationally,$2500contactor more must be filed with the Department of Homeland Security
The Export Control Office can assist with export license applications and other required filings. Contact the Export Control ComplianceOffice Officerprior at:to 402-559-4518shipping internationally.
Required Budget Authorizations
All sponsored project budgets with international components are to apply the appropriate UNMC federally negotiated F&A rate. Authorizations for contracts unrelated to research areshould be submitted to Associate Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance or the Director of Business Services (at 402-559-5200).5200.
Keep in mind that international activities unrelated to research may still be subject to export controls. Please contact the Export Control Office with any questions about international activities.
International Material Transfer Agreements
A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) attaches certain terms to the use of tangible research materials and allows other researchers to use them while protecting rights associated with the materials. At UNMC, tangible materials can include molecular biology reagents, cell lines, recombinant mice, devices, or software. International Material Transfer Agreements are handled by UNeMed.
Keep in mind that international activities unrelated to research may still be subject to export controls. Please contact the Export Control Office with any questions about international activities.
International Travel
All travel outside of the United States for UNMC business, education, or research purposes must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance for authorization through the Concur application accessed through “Firefly”.Firefly. See additional information regarding UNMC travel policies and procedures.
International travel will be evaluated by the Compliance Office and/or the Export Control Office. International travelers may be asked to provide additional information regarding the scope of activities while traveling abroad.
Carrying a Computer or Other Electronic Devices Outside the United States
Your departmental IT workstation specialists will help you determine if you should carry your laptop or other devices to the country proposed and any restrictions that may exist. They can also help you determine how best to access email or other databases off site.
If you need to establish a database for research collaborations outside the US, contact the Research IT Office.
Contact your cellular service provider to determine if your phone plan allows you to send or receive calls when outside of the United States.
International Research Programs and Resources at UNMC
- Asia Pacific Rim Development Program, for questions regarding travel to and within China.
- Pediatric International Research, for pediatric investigators interested in international research collaborations, Program Coordinator 402-559-8845
- International Health and Medical Education, for general information regarding international travel, education, and resources.
- Center for Global Health and Development, a College of Public Health resource focused on international public health education, research, and practice.
Getting Answers to Questions Regarding International Research Requirements
Contact either:
International Research Projects: SPAdmin, 402-559-7456
Export Controls: Export Control Compliance Officer,Office, 402-559-4518