Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs or NDAs)
Confidential Disclosure Agreements – also known as Non-disclosure Agreements, CDAs or NDAs – protect confidential information shared between a sponsor and investigator as they determine mutual interest in working together. The information may belong to the investigator or the sponsor and the agreement may bind one party or both.
Depending on the type of contract, research, or sponsor, these agreements will be prepared by Sponsored Programs Administration (SPAdmin) or UNeHealth (in the case of industry-sponsored clinical trials).
Submit a New CDA
Forward the email from the sponsor with the CDA template attached to Amanda Leingang, Contracts/Office Associate. If the sponsor does not provide a template, SPAdmin/UNeHealth is glad to generate the agreement at your request. If sharing proprietary information with a potential sponsor for a PI-initiated project, executing a CDA prior to information sharing is highly recommended.
Who Signs
CDAs are between the institution and the sponsor and must be signed by an authorized institutional signatory.
Investigators are not authorized to sign, nor is it in their best interest to do so. Prior to institutional signature, SPAdmin/UNeHealth negotiates the CDA terms to protect the interests of the investigator while also meeting the needs of the sponsor.
Next Steps
After the CDA is signed by both parties, SPAdmin/UNeHealth will forward you the fully-executed agreement and the sponsor will send you the protocol for review.