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NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a new data management & sharing (DMS) policy to foster good data stewardship.

Since January 25, 2023, the policy requires that all application types (new, resubmission, renewal, and revision) that generate Scientific Data, regardless of funding level, include a detailed plan for how the data will be managed and shared during the entire funding period.

NOTE: The new DMS Policy does not apply to funded NIH projects that do not generate scientific data, such as applications for Training (Ts), Fellowships (Fs), Construction (C06), Resources (Gs), etc.

This website includes information and resources for UNMC researchers to help them prepare, create, and submit a DMS Plan with their NIH applications. Use the section on the left to navigate to more pages, which include:

Contact Information

Several groups on campus will play a role in assuring UNMC and its researchers are ready to meet these new policy changes. Please direct any questions you have to


Set up a consultation with UNMC's Data Services Librarian using the bookings page through the McGoogan Health Sciences Library.

Overview: What's New?


Types of Data


Choosing a Repository


Writing Your Plan (DMPTool)


Budgeting for DMS


Submitting Your DMS Plan


Webinars & Resources


Frequently Asked Questions