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37 total results found

Staff Listing & Dept Assignments

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... About Us

SPAdmin is under the direction of the Vice Chancellor for Research and is organized as follows: Director David Doty Assistant Directors Beth Decarolis (Grants Team) Kris Morrissey (Contracts Team) Laura Wise (Grants Team) Grants/Contracts ...

Institutional Information

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... About Us

The following table contains institutional information that is frequently requested by sponsors, including F&A Rates and Fringe Benefit Rates. Animal Care Accreditation number Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AA...

Submission Deadlines

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

The IBC meets on the second Thursday of each month. In order for a protocol to be reviewed at a meeting, it must be submitted 10 days prior to the meeting date by 12 PM CT. IBC Full Board Submission Deadline* Date of IBC Meeting December 30, 2...

Frequently Asked Questions

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

Click on a question below to view the answer details. For any additional questions not covered below, contact the IBC Administrative office at or 402-559-6463. Do I need to fill out an IBC application? If your work involves recombinant DNA ...

About Us

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of everyone at UNMC who works with biohazardous agents. Some of our major responsibilities include: Reviewing and approving recombinant DNA research projects to ens...


Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

Biosafety Training Program General biosafety training is required by all individuals conducting research on the UNMC/UNO campuses that involve biohazardous materials. All training modules can be accessed through Canvas. The NIH Guidelines state it is the res...


Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

Form Type Download Instructions Adverse Event Report Download PDF Laboratory Inspection Checklist BL2 Download PDF Laboratory Inspection Checklist BL3 Download PDF Laboratory Inspection Checklist ABL2 Download PDF Labora...


Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

Below are UNMC policies relating to biosafety (click policy number to view in PDF format): IBC-01: Autoclave Operation and Safety IBC-02: Biological Safety Cabinet Certification IBC-03: Biological Safety Cabinet Operation IBC-04: Biological Spill Clean-U...


Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide...

Guidelines CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) (6th edition; June 2020) Selection, Installation and Use of Biological Safety Cabinets, Appendix A (see page 395 of BMBL) Health Canada Laboratory Biosafety Guideline...

Application Process

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

Experiments using Biosafety Levels 1-3 (BL-1, BL-2 or BL-3) containment must be reviewed and approved prior to the initiation of experiments. Experiments using BL-4 are not authorized for conduct at UNMC. The application process is as follows: For the revi...

Dual-Use Research of Concern

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

According to the National Institutes of Health, dual use research of concern (DURC) is "life sciences research that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, information, products, or technologies that could be direct...

Experiments Requiring IBC Approval

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

Experiments that require IBC approval include those that involve: the deliberate transfer of a drug resistance trait to microorganisms that are not known to acquire the trait naturally, the deliberate transfer of recombinant DNA or DNA or RNA derived from ...

Federal Mandates for the Institution

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

Per NIH Guidelines "As a condition for NIH funding ... institutions shall ensure that research conducted at or sponsored by the institution, irrespective of the source of funding, shall comply with the NIH Guidelines." (Section 1-D of the NIH Guidelines)  "(...

Definition of Biohazardous Agent

Institutional Biosafety Committee Guide... Policies & Procedures

The purpose of the definition is to identify individuals who must take the Biosafety Training. Biohazardous materials are defined as materials of biological origin that have the capacity to produce deleterious effects on humans or animals. They include: rec...

UNMC-specific Policies

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... Policies

A partial listing of frequently referenced policies related to grants and contracts administration are described below.  A complete catalog of UNMC policies can be found on the UNMC Policies & Procedures Wiki. Conflict of Interest  Policy #8010 UNMC id...

Sponsor-specific Policies

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... Policies

Federal Uniform Guidance Effective December 26, 2014 the Office of Management and Budget combined eight circulars into the single "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards." ...

NDAA Whistleblower Notice

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... Policies

Pilot Program for Enhancement of Employee Whistleblower Protections In order to encourage employees to report fraud, waste, and abuse in federally-funded programs, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 established a pilot program for enh...

F&A Rates Policy

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... Policies

UNMC Facilities and Administration (F&A) Rates (formerly known as Indirect Cost Rates) The full recovery of F&A costs (up to the level allowed by the sponsor’s written policy) is expected on all grants and contracts.  Current F&A Rates & Agreement Definiti...

Use of Embryonic Stem Cells

Sponsored Programs Administration Guide... Policies

In accordance with all Federal Guidelines, the University of Nebraska and Board of Regents policy, the Scientific Research Oversight Committee (SROC) must review and approve all research using hESC lines and ONLY lines from the NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Re...


Sponsored Programs Administration Guide...

SPAdmin offers a number of formal and informal educational opportunities for departmental administrators and investigators: Monthly "Buzz" sessions on timely topics - fourth Wednesday of the month EXCEPT November and December Special sessions on emerging t...