2.7 Continuing Review of Research
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to describe the Organization’s requirements for continuing review of approved research
2.0 Policy
2.1.It is the policy of the Organization
thatthat:non-- 2.1. Non-exempt research which is subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year, except as allowed under
rev45 CFR 46.109(f). - 2.2.
It is the policy of the Organization that non-Non-exempt research which is not subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk.
3.0 Continuing Review Frequency
Non-exempt research which is subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year, except as described insectionssection 3.3or 3.4below.- 3.1.1. The IRB may determine that continuing review is required more often than annually, as described in HRPP policy 3.1 (Assessing the Need for Increased Monitoring, Interim Continuing Review, and Verification from Sources Other than the PI).
- 3.1.2.
Non-exempt research which is not subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk. 3.1.3.Unless the IRB specifically determines at the time of initial review or continuing review that a protocol should be reviewed less often than annually, the research will be subject to reviewannually.annually
Non-exempt research which is not subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk. -
3.3. Unless the IRB determines otherwise, continuing review of research is not required in the following circumstances:
2.3.1. Research not subject to FDA regulations which underwent expedited review in accordance withrev45 CFR 46.110 after January 20,2019, the effective date of the Revised Rule.3.3.2.
2.Research not subject to FDA regulations which was approved aftertheJanuaryeffective20,date2019of the Revised Rule thatand has progressed to the point that it involves only data analysis, including analysis of identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens.3.
2.3.3. Research not subject to FDA regulations which was approved aftertheJanuaryeffective20,date2019of the Revised Rule thatand has progressed to the point that it involves only accessing follow-up clinical data from procedures that subjects would undergo as part of clinical care.
Note: For the purposes of this policy, if a particular procedure is specified in the research protocol to occur at a specific time then that procedure is considered a research procedure, and not a procedure “that subjects would undergo as part of clinical care.”
2.3.4. If the IRB determines that continuing review is required for research in any of the above categories, the rationale will be recorded in accordance withrev45 CFR 46.115(a)(3).- 3.3.5. Non-exempt research approved prior to the effective date of the Revised Rule requires continuing review as per sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Note:- 2.1. Non-exempt research which is subject to the Common Rule or FDA Regulations shall undergo continuing review at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year, except as allowed under
3.3.4. Unless the ORA determines otherwise, continuing review is not required for exempt research.
Note: The Organization will not utilize exempt categories 7 and 8 (rev 45 CFR 46.104(d)(7) or (8)).
4.0 Criteria for Review
- 4.1. The criteria for continuing approval of all human subject research (either by full board or by expedited review) are described in HRPP policy 2.5 (Criteria for IRB Approval).
- 4.1.1. In addition to the criteria in HRPP policy 2.
5,5 (Criteria for IRB Approval), during continuing review by the full IRB, the IRB must also determine:- Whether the research requires continuing review more often than annually
[as required at 45 CFR 46.109(e); 21 CFR 56.108(a)(2)],as appropriate to the degree of risk.TheIn making this determination, the IRBwillmightconsider:consider4. nature ofand anyrisks posed by theclinicalresearch,investigation. degree of uncertainty regarding the risksinvolved.involved, vulnerability of theparticipants.participants, experience of theclinical investigator in conductinginvestigator, theclinical research. previous experience with thatresearcherinvestigator orsponsor (e.g., compliance history, previous problems withsponsor, theresearcher obtaining informed consent, prior complaints from subjects about the researcher). rate ofenrollmentenrollment, the study involves novel therapies.
- Whether the research need verification from sources other than the PI that no material changes have occurred since the previous IRB review as required
at 45 CFR 46.103(a)(4) (or rev45 CFR 46.108(a)(3)(ii)), or 21 CFR 56.108(a)(2). - 4.1.1.
2.1.3. Whether the current consent form is still accurate and complete. - 4.1.1.
2.2.4. Whether the research should have a third party observe the consentprocess in accordance withHRPP policy 1.2, Section 2.7(Authority Granted to the IRB by the Organization).process. - 4.1.1.
2.3.5. Whether the research requires an audit of research records in accordance with HRPPpoliciespolicy 1.21 (Post Approval Monitoring of Research) and HRPP policy 8.4 (Review of Noncompliance Involving the PI and Study Personnel).
- Whether the research requires continuing review more often than annually
- 4.1.1.
3.6. Whether there are any significant new findings that arise from the review process that might relate to a subject’s willingness to continue participation in the study. - 4.1.1.
4.7. Whether subject accrual is adequate to achieve the scientific goals of the study. - 4.1.1.
5.8. When the PI is the lead researcher of a multi-site trial, whether the management of information to the protection of human subjects is adequate, such as reporting of unanticipated problems, interim results, and protocol modifications.
- 4.1.1. In addition to the criteria in HRPP policy 2.
5.0 ProceduresInvestigator Responsibilities
- 5.1. If continuing review is required (as per section 3.3 above), a continuing review application must be submitted thru RSS prior to expiration date of the approved protocol.
- 5.2. The investigator must update the record in Clinicaltrials.gov as applicable, per HRPP policy 1.29 (Clinicaltrials.gov Reporting).
- 5.3. If the research is completed, the investigator will be responsible for the activities described in HRPP policy 2.9 (Closure of On-Going Research).
- 5.4. If the research is closed because an investigator does not submit a continuing review or a Demographics Reporting form, the investigator will be responsible for the activities described in HRPP policy 2.9 (Closure of On-Going Research).
6.0 ORA/IRB Responsibilities
- 6.1. Continuing review, when it is required, is conducted by the convened IRB, except under the following circumstances: previously approved by a convened IRB where no subjects have been enrolled and no additional risks have been identified may undergo expedited review.5.1.2.Research which satisfies the requirements of OHRP Expedited Review Categories (1998) and HRPP policy 2.3 (Expedited Review), expedited category 8 where (i) the research is permanently closed to the enrollment of new subjects; (ii) all subjects have completed all research-related interventions; and (iii) the research remains active only for long-term follow-up of subjects; or where no subjects have been enrolled and no additional risks have been identified; or where the remaining research activities are limited to data analysis.- 6.1.2. Research which satisfies the requirements of OHRP Expedited Review Categories (1998) and HRPP policy 2.3 (Expedited Review), expedited category 9 (“research not conducted under an investigational new drug application or investigational device exemption where
[expedited]{expedited} categories 2 through 8 do not apply but the IRB has determined and documented at a convened meeting that the research involves no greater than minimal risk and no additional risks have been identified”) may undergo expedited review.
5.6.2. The ORA will send emails to the PI and the Lead Coordinator and/or Regulatory Contact at least 60 days and 45 days prior to the date of expiration.- 6.3. Protocols
that wereinitially approved by IRB-01 or IRB-02 will undergo continuing review at either the IRB-01 or the IRB-02 meeting. Protocolsthat wereinitially approved by IRB-04 (Pediatrics) will undergo continuing review at the IRB-04 meeting. If the Executive Chair determines thatreviewearlier review is necessary to minimize risk or inconvenience to subjects, protocols can be reviewed at the IRB-01 or IRB-02 as a “Special Review Item”, provided at least one member of IRB-04who was present at the time of the initial conditional approvalis present at IRB-01 or IRB-02 and can serve as primary reviewer.- 6.5.
4.Protocolsthat wereinitially approved by IRB-03 will undergo continuing review at the IRB-01 or IRB-02 meeting or at the IRB-04 meeting, depending on the nature of the research and the predominant subject population, at the discretion of the Executive Chair. Protocolsthat wereinitially approved by IRB-05 (SIRB) will undergo continuing review at the IRB-05 meeting. If the Executive Chair determines that earlier review is necessary to minimize risk or inconvenience to subjects, protocols can be reviewed at the IRB-01 or IRB-02 as a “Special Review Item”, provided at least one member of IRB-05who was present at the time of the initial conditional approvalis present at IRB-01 or IRB-02 and can serve as primary reviewer.5.6.7. For continuing review by thefullconvened IRB, IRB members will be provided documents for review as defined in HRPP policy 2.2 (Full IRB Review). The expiration date of protocols for which continuing review is required is based on the date that the convened IRB gave conditional approval of the research. Studies approved with annual continuing review are valid for 364 days from the date of conditional approval; the approval period expires on the 365th day.5.8.The ORA will send emails to the PI and the lead coordinator at least 60 days and 45 days prior to the date of expiration.5.6.9. If a protocol for which continuing review is required has not received full approval by the expiration date, the protocol is considered “expired”, and investigators are no longer authorized to conduct research activities or enroll subjects. Approval expiration is not study suspension, and the protocol is not subject to reporting as per HRPP policy 8.6 (Study Hold, Suspension, and Termination). TheinvestigatorInvestigator and theleadLeadcoordinatorCoordinator and/or Regulatory Contact will be notified by email or through the RSS Message portal that a study is expired and that investigators are no longer authorized to conduct research activities or enroll subjects.It is the responsibility of the PI to notify all investigators. If the investigator believes that it would be in the bestinterestsinterest of a subject participating in an expired research study to continue research activities,atherequestinvestigator maybesubmitmadea “Request totheContinueIRB.Treatment for Enrolled Subjects on Approval Expired Studies” form in RSS. The Executive Chair orhis/herdesignee has the authority to grant approval of the requestonforanoneindividualorsubjectmorebasis.subjects hold out the prospect of direct benefit to thesubject,subjects, ordirectly(2)reducewithholding those interventions poses increased risk tosubjects,themaysubjects.- If the Executive Chair or designee decides that already enrolled subjects should continue
iftoapproved. IRB will be notified ofreceive theexceptioninterventionsatthat were being administered to subjects under thenextresearchconvenedprotocol,meeting.data If the investigator does not respond to the “Approval Expired” notification from the ORA within2030businesscalendar days, the study will be considered closed. The IRB Continuing ReviewAdministrator,Analyst, or designee, in consultation with the IRB ExecutiveChair,Chair orone of the Chairs or Vice-Chairsdesignee will be responsible for assuring that no substantive changes have been made to the protocol or the consent forms by the SRC. If substantive changes have been made, re-review by the convened IRB will be required. the research is still active, the investigator will be instructed to update Clinicaltrials.gov as applicable, perHRPP policy 1.29(Clinicaltrials.gov Reporting)5.16.2.If the investigator reports any unanticipated problems, they will be handled as perHRPP policy 8.3(IRB Review of Unanticipated Problems Involving Risk to the Subject or Others).5.16.3.If the research is completed, ORA records will be updated and the investigator will be responsible for the activities described inHRPP policy 2.9(Closure of On-Going Research).5.16.4.If the investigator does not respond to the emaildescribedrequestingindemographic5.15information within2030businesscalendar days, the study will be consideredclosed, and ORA records will be updated.closed. The investigator will be responsible for the activities described in HRPP policy 2.9 (Closure of On-Going Research).
Written: 2/6/2018 (Approved: 2/6/2018) - original author not recorded
Revised: 9/7/2018 - revision not documented
Revised: 1/29/2021 - Clarified “procedures that subjects would undergo as part of clinical care” per (45 CFR 46.109(f)(iii)(B)) (section 3.2.3); clarified which IRBs can perform continuing review (sections 5.2 thru 5.5); various minor clarifications and corrections
Revised: 1/30/2023 – Revised to stress distinction between FDA regulated and non-regulated research; clarified process for submission of demographic information for research that is exempt, or for which continuing review is no longer required (section 6.1.4); deleted requirement that convened IRB be notified of Request to Continue Treatment for Enrolled Subjects on Approval Expired Studies; changed “20 working days” to “30 calendar days”; reformatted; various minor clarifications and corrections. {Approved Chris Kratochvil (Institutional Official), Bruce Gordon (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Regulatory Affairs, Executive Chair)}