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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are a number of commonly asked questions. The questions will either provide an answer or will link to the appropriate section of the guidebook. The Page Navigation found in the upper left side of the page can be used to scroll directly to the answer needed and are organized by question. If you do not see your questions listed below, the Book Navigation on the lower left side of the page can be used to browse the various sections. The search bar at the top of the page may also help you navigate to the appropriate section.

Feel free to contact us at if you cannot find the needed content.

Do I need an IRB?

What application should I use?

What does Exempt mean?

<<<< insert answer here>>>>

Is my research project expedited or full board?

<<<< insert answer here>>>>

How long does it take for my research project to get approved?

<<<< insert answer here>>>>

I have a CITI question!

I have an RSS question!

My protocol closes soon, what do I do?

How do I complete a Continuing Review?

Do I need data from other sites on my Continuing Review?

How do I know my Accrual Numbers?

How do I close my study?

What do I do if I have a problem?

How often does the IRB meet?

How do I use RSS?

How do I delete a document or consent form?

How do I make a Change Request?

How do I reset my application to edit?

I'm a student, who needs to be listed on my protocol?

How do I edit a consent form?

I'm leaving UNMC, what do I do with my research before I leave?

I have a cIRB/sIRB question!

My project was closed, what do I do?

How does work?

How do I compensate my participants?

I'm trying to add someone to my study in RSS, but I don't see their name.

What do I need to report with an Incident Report?

How do I know if I need a Data Use Agreement?