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Education & Resources

The goal of the IRB Education Program is to facilitate research involving human subjects from initial submission to study completion through didactic and practical education. Whether it is for investigators, research study personnel, students or other institutional representatives, information is explained in a manner that fits the audience. By using a variety of delivery methods, such as lectures, webinars, live-streams, bulletins, one-on-one meetings and department in-service, from new student to seasoned investigator, our objective is to offer education of:

- The history and regulation of research ethics
- The local submission requirements and process
- The common pitfalls to improve the efficiency of the submission process.

The IRB is here to help!

All educational options will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the target audience, whether it be one-on-one about a specific research protocol or a lecture to a class regarding a general overview of research ethics and the IRB process.

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting, department in-service, class lecture, Q&A session or any other type of IRB education, please contact IRB staff for assistance at