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Training and Oversight

Training Requirements

Federal regulations require institutions to provide training in the humane practice of animal care and use, and in instruction in research and testing methods that minimize the number of animals required to obtain valid results and to minimize animal distress. All personnel involved in the use or care of live vertebrate animals must complete this training prior to contact with animals or access to the animal facilities.

UNMC complies with these federal regulations by providing the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Basics Training Program and the Occupational Health and Safety Program. Additional training for working with specific species may be required and is provided by the Office of Comparative Medicine. For requirements and access the training modules, visit the CM Services and Training web page.

Oversight and Ideas Exchange

The Comparative Medicine Advisory Group (CMAG) promotes the exchange of information and ideas among all UNMC scientists regarding current and projected animal related research activities. The group is appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research and consists of representatives from Comparative Medicine and research scientists who use animals. CMAG members meet with the administration of Comparative Medicine and with the Vice Chancellor for Research. For members of the CMAG, visit their web page.